
6 Tips for a Successful Day in Magic Kingdom

As a kid everything about Disney World is magical. But when you become the person taking the kid, even hearing the word Disney is intimidating. We knew that Aliyah wasn’t ready for a full week in Mickey Mouse land, and truthfully we weren’t either, so we set out to plan a day trip to Magic Kingdom. Coincidentally we have family that lives in Florida, making this goal possible. The difficulty was that I had no clue where to begin.

Fortunately and unfortunately there are endless tips and tricks on the Internet to help.  I say fortunately because a lot of that advice is extremely helpful. Unfortunately, because too much advice can be overwhelming. I certainly valued the guidance provided by blogs, articles, family and friends but to no surprise I went and came back with my own list of “live without” and “must haves.” And so will you.

I should start by saying whenever you plan a family trip; have faith in your ability to plan for your own. At the end of the day, a successful experience depends on your needs, wants and personal preference. While you may value one thing the family next to you may value something different. You know better than anyone else what your child/children needs. Take into consideration the counsel that is found or offered to you, but don’t necessarily live by it.

The six tips I discuss in this post are not absolute. As I said you can find thousands of resources to assist with planning, these are just a few that helped our family accomplish a day trip to Magic Kingdom. You will want to take into consideration length of trip, age of kids, and overall goals.

1. Focused but Flexible

Facing a week in Disney is overwhelming, but attempting to do everything in a day is impossible. The park is bursting front to back with rides, food, activities, and things to do or see. There is constantly SOMETHING going on and there is no way you’ll get to everything. At the risk of sounding like a broken record, flexibility is the key to successful travel. I’ve learned quite a bit over the years but that is by far the most consistent factor regardless of destination. Because of my practice in unmet high expectations, I vowed to Christian and myself to remain realistic. The park opened at 8:00 AM and my strategy was already taking turns 30 minutes before. Thirteen hours of sensory overload coupled with a two year old leads to unforeseen hiccups. You can’t always guess when a toddler will hit a low point. Mother Nature, as you know, has a mind of her own. Mechanical issues in a theme park are bound to occur even on a daily basis. Before leaving for Florida I made a short but attainable list (no more than things) that balanced rides, character meet and greets, as well as shows/events. If you’re having trouble narrowing a list, online reviews are particularly helpful. They break down attractions that shouldn’t be missed, ones that can be skipped, and offer tips to maximize visits. By staying focused but remaining flexible the day was more than we could have hoped for. We achieved our goals (and then some), exceeded our expectations, and most importantly HAD AN AMAZING TIME!



2. Pictures to Last a Lifetime

All day I tried to be conscious of the fact that while this was my first time with Aliyah in Disney too, it meant more for Christian to experience this day with her. Whether I watched them enjoy rides together or stood back snapping photos, I did my best to make this a perfect memory to look back on. I do better behind the camera than in front of it anyway. Mostly because I like to be in control of the moments I capture (thank you OCD).

The type of camera you bring doesn’t matter. The number of pictures on the camera roll means nothing. Your photography skill level is not a big deal. The key points to remember is to never let the amount of time behind the lens exceed the time without it. Do not spend so much of your day or week living for the pictures you will look back on in the future that you miss the moments right in front of you. I admit I struggle with this because photography is a hobby that I strive to get better at all the time. But there’s a time and place to improve my skills, and this wasn’t it.

If you have a camera, I would recommend you take it. If you don’t have a camera or would rather not lug it around, use your phone. The reality of today is that most people have nice camera phones with decent picture quality. They are easy to use and small enough to keep in a pocket or bag. The only downs side is that the more you use your phone the more battery you use too. When the kids are running around, laughing uncontrollably, or eyes wide with excitement steal a shot. Candid photographs capture the real emotions in that moment. They will be the ones to tell a story and bring you back to those feelings. Your children are going to be so busy having fun that it will be grueling to convince them to stand still anyway.

If you can slow your tribe down for a quick family picture in front of an attraction or cool backdrop, do not be afraid to ask someone to take a photo. More often than not they want a picture too, allowing you to return the favor. Somehow we lucked out and the stranger we inquired also happened to be a professional photographer.  If you are really struggling to find a stranger willing to assist, there are Disney Photographers standing in “iconic” locations throughout all Disney Parks that may be willing to take one with your own camera. It can feel awkward but leaving with a few group shots is worth asking the uncomfortable question.

When you have wiggle room in your budget, hate taking pictures or don’t have access to a camera- you can take advantage of the Disney PhotoPass. I invested in this because I knew for a fact that if I didn’t- I would have spent the whole day with a camera attached to my eyeball. They took shots of us in front of the castle and at all the character meet and greets throughout the day. Before they take a picture they scan your Disney ticket (it looks like a credit card) for you to access your photos on your Disney account. You don’t have to buy any portraits until you view them online and Disney gives you plenty of time to decide. Regardless, any picture you capture will be sure to last a lifetime and something your children will love to look back on.

****IF YOU’RE FEELING BOLD, buy disposable cameras for your trip. You won’t be able to look at your photos or delete anything. When you get them developed it will be a fun (or embarrassing) surprise!


3. Food, Water and SUGAR!


I can’t speak for families who plan to spend multiple days in Disney but for anyone looking to do a day trip, PACK FOOD! As expected, purchasing anything in the park is expensive and I know Aliyah isn’t the only kid in the world who takes five bites of something and doesn’t want anymore. We have a hard enough time getting her to finish her plate at home around the dinner table, so it was unlikely she would finish something in “the most magical place on earth.” With all the other expenses that went into making this vacation possible, we tried to save a few bucks when and where we could.  We filled a freezable lunch bag with crackers, pretzels, applesauce “snack and go” packs, fruit snacks, Uncrustables, juice boxes and made lunch sandwiches for ourselves. Throughout the day Aliyah would pick at various things until she was satisfied. She would eat in her stroller when we moved from one place to another, in the lines at rides, or during shows on the stage. Around lunchtime and between FastPass experiences, we stopped for a soft pretzel to waste time and cool down in the shade. At night before closing, we splurged on ice cream. The only money we spent on a meal was at a restaurant we made prior dinner reservations for. We anticipated that Aliyah would start slowing down in the early evening so we wanted to give her a long break before the fireworks. By packing our food, we saved considerable time and money.

The Florida sun is hot. Even at the end of February and beginning of March, the middle of the day can be brutal. It’s crucial to stay hydrated and be conscious of how much you’re consuming. Water is easy to forget when everyone is busy having fun. The day gets away from you and before you know it three hours have passed before you look at your watch again. So BRING refillable bottles. Top them off before you go and make it your goal to take sips between rides, attractions and during breaks. There are water fountains scattered through the park and cups of water are FREE. Ask for ice water and dump them in your bottle. We filled two bottles a few times throughout the day.

All hail the power of sugar. At home we limit Aliyah’s consumption of candy and treats as often as possible but this wasn’t one of those days. If a lollipop was the only thing to keep her content while we waited in a 30 minute line then good thing I packed a bag full of them.

Packing treats for kids to munch on throughout the day doesn’t just make them happy it makes you happy too. You are bound to hit a few bumps in the road throughout the day and it may be a perfect opportunity for a small pick me up. Consider hard candy over chocolate so you don’t have a bag of mush before you even get to lunch. The clean up is also easier because a kid with chocolate in their hands is a kid with chocolate in hair, on clothes and all the other places you didn’t think were possible. Candy like lollipops or candy canes tend to last longer too.

**** PRO TIP: If you want to do a meal, making dining reservations up to 6 months before you go or as soon as possible. Tables fill up past and it is difficult to find open slots the closer you get. Do some research on breakfast at some of the restaurants in Magic Kingdom. They have character meet and greets and you’ll have first dips to rides when the park officially opens!


4. A Just in Case Outfit

I packed an change of clothes for Aliyah and an extra shirt for Christian and I. Aliyah’s still at an age where it doesn’t matter where I go, I bring an extra outfit in the event that she have an accident. Because there was a good chance Aliyah was going to find herself in water or somewhere dirty, I wanted to make sure I wasn’t underprepared. As expected, she was drenched by 10am when we stumbled upon the Splash ‘N’ Soak station. Fortunately it was already 80° and she was dry within 30 minutes but after a full day of running around, sweating, and spills I changed her before dinner.

Kid’s clothing is small enough that it shouldn’t take a lot of extra space in your book bag or stroller. Trust me, you’ll be grateful when you find yourself in a situation where new clothes are not an option. Even I changed my shirt before dinner and felt like a whole new person. Spending a whole day outside in the heat can make you feel sticky and uncomfortable so whether your kids say it or not, they probably feel that way too. Florida tends to have rain frequently for short amount of times, so check the weather before you go and pack ponchos. You can find cheap ones at stores like Walmart! If you plan to stay through the fireworks, grab a pullover or sweatshirt for those chilly nights.

****PRO TIP: Pack your own EARS! I purchased Minnie Mouse ears for Aliyah and I off Amazon and when we walked into a souvenir shop I saw the same thing. I saved a lot of money and they don’t take up a lot of room in the suitcase.


5. FastPass Experience

My biggest fear is showing up somewhere unprepared. I will plan and plan again until I feel confident that I have at least some idea. Before we left I created a color-coordinated map (*cue the eye rolls) with footnotes and arrows so I could visualize where I was going and cluster our goals in an organized way. I managed our goals, FastPass+ picks, and Dinner plans in an intentional way so we didn’t trek from one end of the park to the other multiple times a day. I have commend Disney for their dedication to providing multiple resources to make trip planning easy and wonderful.

The FastPass+ is a free ride/attraction reservation system available to anyone who visits Disney. This system allows you to maximize your touring plans and improves overall experience. Up to 60 days before your visit, you can reserve hour long time slots to go on a ride or meet and greet so that you can avoid long wait times and ensure you get to all the places you want to see. You won’t necessarily need a full hour the hour just gives you ample time to get to each FastPass+ experience. The Disney App and My Disney Experience online help schedule your day. Each person can only choose 3 prior to admission day and you must use all of them before you can schedule another. The amount of rides Aliyah was able to go on was somewhat limited and the majority were in one section of the park so when it came time to picking FastPass+ experiences we saved them for busy times. In the morning we knocked out a decent amount of attractions when lines were still short. We scheduled our first FastPass in the late morning when the park was finally filling up. Two of our three were popular character meet and greets since Aliyah wasn’t able to do all of the big rides. Our last FastPass was in midafternoon so we had the rest of the day to reserve another FastPass+. Aliyah didn’t cost money for admission and didn’t need her own FastPass+. Because of this Christian and I were able to reserve two separate FastPass+ at one time and one of us would go on a ride or attraction with her while the other watched. By the end she was able to do and see more, allowing us to cross off more goals than we originally predicted. She went on the rides she liked multiple times and had plenty of time to rest throughout the day.

****PRO TIP: To save extra phone battery take a screen shot of your FastPass schedule and set it as your lock screen background. You can just look at the front of your phone and won’t have to go into the app every time you need to look at your reservation times.


6. Boom Boom Pow

I’m not familiar with Disney’s event schedule. When I looked at the calendar to decide which day to visit Magic Kingdom, only one was showing the Wishes Nighttime Spectacular. I can’t say for sure how often or when Disney does fireworks at night but I would suggest referring to their online calendar/website for more information. I wasn’t sure if Aliyah would even make it to closing time, but we figured it couldn’t hurt to try.

The Disney fireworks  and Celebrate the  Magic show are incredible. I can’t say enough on how wonderful the entire show was. The fireworks, music, lights and voiceovers were life changing. I would peek over at Aliyah and she wouldn’t even blink. She was able to sit on Christian’s shoulders for most of it so she could see everything. The only downside was the crowd. I can’t even imagine what it would be like in the middle of the summer because we could barely move. If you want a good spot you need to prepare for a spot a few hours before they start which is obviously inconvenient and difficult to do with kids running around. If it is your first time a direct view in front of Cinderella’s Castle is the best recommendation. It may be the perfect opportunity to sit down and eat dessert or have a late snack. When the fireworks start everyone stands and kids won’t be able to see everything if adults are lined up in front of them. Be mindful of the people behind you and allow kids to move in front of you if possible. This sounds obvious but avoid trees and tall attractions that block your view. Pay attention to the music and sound that goes along with each firework display because it makes the experience that much better. Be sure to take a moment to reflect on your day and be grateful for your ability to share this experience with your children. This is something that they will hopefully remember for the rest of their life and something you will definitely remember for the rest of yours.

****PRO TIP: If you don’t do well in crowds, look up “secret spots” online for alternative places to view the firework display. There are also rides/attractions that still run during the display.

Thank you Disney for a PERFECT day trip to Magic Kingdom!!! And thank you to Christian for giving me full control and endless support through the entire planning! I hope this post ignites a spark in everyone’s travel planning. Even adults love Disney and with multiple parks, resorts and locations around the world, it may be the perfect destination for your next trip.



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