
  • Roses

    To My Luca Bear

    Luca James, Our Luca Bear, BeLuca whale, Luullaa, buddy, and favorite dude…I’ve got a whole lot on my heart but never the perfect words to share. Your first year flew by for us…

  • Roses

    Happy Birthday Addison Remi

    I wrote a page of notes, filled with all the things I wanted to say. The thoughts were disorganized without any sort of order to what I was feeling or thinking. I often…

  • Roses

    Becoming the Eisenhours

    I have a poor recollection of the exact moment we met. I am able to recall vague time periods where we crossed paths but not a clear picture perfect story of how we…

  • Roses

    Two takeaways from Two

      If the speed of the last three years is any indication for the rest of Aliyah’s childhood, we should probably start bracing ourselves for graduation tomorrow.   If the speed of the…